Gibson Sylvestre Family Foundation

The Gibson Sylvestre Family Foundation was founded to lend a hand up, not to give hand outs. We seek to help people help themselves.

This concept was borrowed from the saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!”

Our Mission is to:

Empower hurting people with food, financial literacy, education, and scholarships that will help them become self-sufficient assets to society.

Our Philosophy:

We are unwilling to ignore the plight of the suffering among us. We fight to give everyone a chance to make their lives better. The Gibson Sylvestre Family Foundation takes a holistic approach to helping our fellow man and woman. We affirm the humanity and dignity of every person we come in contact with.

Find out more about our high-impact/life-changing philanthropic work at: